Sophie Giroux Sophie Giroux

A must-try AI tool for Teachers!

Learn how Diffit can help you take any text, youtube video or url and transform it into grade-appropriate content for your students! This is a must-try AI tool for teachers, and new teachers get 2 year of Diffit premium Free!

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ai, perplexity,, edtech Sophie Giroux ai, perplexity,, edtech Sophie Giroux

Our Latest Game-Changing discovery is MagicSchool.AI

MagicSchool AI offers over 50 specialized tools to assist teachers in various aspects of our often time-consuming tasks. Sign up for free then you will be brought to this page and you can explore all of the wonderful tools it has to offer. Read the blog to see why we put in our top A.I tools for teachers!

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Sophie Giroux Sophie Giroux

Project-Based Learning in ESL: Engaging Students in Real-World Challenges.

Project-based learning (PBL) is an effective teaching approach that involves students in a real-world problem or challenge, allowing them to apply their knowledge and skills to find solutions. Students feel like they have a real purpose for using the language and they enjoy using their creativity and problem-solving techniques. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of using PBL in ESL classrooms and provide examples of PBL projects that engage students in real-world challenges.

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